Caedes said it. The rule is in the syllabus and if it isn't then you can go over the prof's head to the dean.
If you didn't read your syllabus and the attendance rules, that's on you.
i missed the last two days of class, and did not email him before class telling him i was going to miss.
evidently this was a requirement for the class.
he emailed me today and told me i could not return to class until i meet with him and the school dean, and if i didn't do it by monday he was going to assign an f for the course.
Caedes said it. The rule is in the syllabus and if it isn't then you can go over the prof's head to the dean.
If you didn't read your syllabus and the attendance rules, that's on you.
the talmud claims that the red heifer sacrifice was the only one of god's commands that king solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, claimed he did not understand.. .
Just to clarify the WT official stance, the scarlet beast is said to be the totality of the nations of the earth, and its "image" is said to be the UN. The distinction is subtle and missed on 98% of dubs, including most elders, CO's, etc, but it's there. Just as an image represents the reality, the UN represents the nations of the world. It makes sense in a Franzian sort of logic.
the following story is apparently circulating in several south-american bethel-branches: after the earthquake in haiti, the wts was the first provide help in the form of 18 doctors who was transported in by air.
this clearly show how well the organization work bla bla bla.. im curious if anyone else here has heard this story, or have information about how effective the wts helping work really was..
The Catholic news release posted in this thread makes the most sense: those there first WERE THOSE ALREADY THERE HELPING BEFORE THE QUAKE.
"misery, do you have an extra kingdom ministry?
" "misery, you didnt give me my kindom ministry for april, i know its only february, but you wouldnt happen to have it, would you?
" "i could have sworn i gave you your km.
In my experience the problem is 50-50 for the elder and the dub. Half the time I've lost mine and half the time he's forgotten to give it to me.
listen, israel: the lord our god, the lord is one.
the lord our god, the lord is one.
jesus is god: .
Good advice from many so far. Trying to keep him out of one belief system by convincing him another is correct is unlikely to work.
If your son is any kind of thinker and lover of freedom, show him how the borg uses cult mind control. You can go with Lifton or even easier, Hassan's B.I.T.E. method. Tell him you're not accusing the JWs of anything special and that ALL CULTS use these methods to one extent to another and NONE of them are healthy.
If he'd rather discuss doctrine, blow 1914 out of the water using only info from the WT as has been shown here on JWN several times (a search should bring it up easily). Once you've done that you have undermined their divine authority.
within the past decade, two elders stepped down in my old congregation.
actually one was taken off for commiting adultery and therefore reproved, but the other one simply stepped down for no apparent reason.
also, in another congregation i used to attend for a short time, i was shocked to hear of another elder stepping down, again for no apparent reason.. i am wondering if there has been an increase in the number of elders stepping down for no obvious reason and to see if this is a worrying trend causing alarm for the society.. i am thinking the past 10 years, particularly with the internet being available to so many people around the world today; but have you experienced many elders stepping down in your congregation or past congregation?
I like to think that elders who step down for "no apparent reason" are actually being led by Holy Spirit.
but he still wasn't finished, to my surprise, and i'd thought he was, with his last comment.
i thought!
i thought!
I get what you're saying, isaacaustin. It is just that your fellow Trinitarians are saying Trinity is something different than you are. I'm not looking for proof but rather a firm definition, and there doesn't seem to be agreement on one.
"Within the nature of the one God there are three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. And these three share the same attributes. In effect, the three Persons are One God." Got this quote from Walter Martin's talk I'm listening to. Still looks like 1+1+1=1 to me, and so far he seems to be defining it that way. I'm not even halfway into it yet, though, and my break is almost over...
to be continued...
but he still wasn't finished, to my surprise, and i'd thought he was, with his last comment.
i thought!
i thought!
This is getting more confusing, not clearer.
isaacaustin and BurnTheShips, thank you for your evenhanded and respectful dialog in this thread. BlueGrass does have a point, though, in that there doesn't seem to be "A" Trinity doctrine but rather they all seem to be personal intepretations of a metaphor that may have only tangential relation to reality. If they are all acceptable then none of them can really be considered absolutely true. And if it really doesn't matter and we really can't get at the truth of the matter, why is this such a divisive piece of doctrine?
jonathan dough, your website address and argumentative posting style have been duly noted.
I'm only around 10 minutes in to the RealAudio files leavingwt. Nothing new to report yet but I'll keep the thread posted.
but he still wasn't finished, to my surprise, and i'd thought he was, with his last comment.
i thought!
i thought!
I probably shouldn't have assumed but I did, that "BurnTheShips" was a direct reference to Feanor's order to, well, Burn The Ships. It's the only context I have for the phrase. If it was misplaced, I apologize.
but he still wasn't finished, to my surprise, and i'd thought he was, with his last comment.
i thought!
i thought!
Will do.